February 11, 2021

Forty & Forward: A Visual History of WPPI Energy

Member Utilities

The year 2020 will be remembered as a year filled with uncertainty and new challenges. Throughout these trying times, many essential workers stepped up to keep the people in our communities safe. One example is the dedication shown by local utilities to keep the power on for the residents and businesses they serve. In small towns throughout the nation, local utilities have kept the lights on for over a hundred years, and the global health crisis did not prevent them from continuing that tradition.

And it is these strong, reliable utilities that created WPPI Energy and built it into the organization it is today.

In honor of our joint action agency’s fortieth anniversary, and to celebrate the local utilities that make up WPPI Energy, a visual history of the organization is now available.

“Forty & Forward: A Visual History of WPPI Energy” is a timeline-based, image-intensive volume commemorating our recently concluded milestone anniversary year and the WPPI membership’s accomplishments over the past four decades and more.

An excerpt from the book’s introduction reads:

“Four decades ago, a group of public power communities had the foresight to join together to meet their own power supply needs. The patch they chose would not be easy, but their vision was clear: working together, they could share resources and expertise in order to preserve for their customers and their communities the significant value of their local municipal electric utilities.

Public power’s strength lies in the ability of locally owned, not-for-profit utilities to focus on the needs of their customers and their communities. And, as WPPI Energy members have demonstrated so well over the past 40 years, joint action plays a pivotal role in meeting those needs.”


To continue reading, visit the free digital release: flipsnack.com/WPPIenergy/history/full-view.html