February 17, 2022
Smart Energy Providers Week: WPPI members help lead the way
Member Utilities
It’s Smart Energy Providers week, and the American Public Power Association is recognizing public power utilities that demonstrate a commitment to and proficiency in energy efficiency, distributed generation, and environmental initiatives. These efforts support safe, reliable, low-cost, and sustainable electric service.
Nationwide, 97 utilities now hold the APPA’s Smart Energy provider designation, and WPPI members make up nearly one third of the prestigious group, including the 24 WPPI member utilities who earned it in Wisconsin, two in Iowa, and one WPPI member in Michigan. To achieve Smart Energy Provider distinction, these utilities undergo a rigorous, in-depth review benchmarking their local efforts based on industry-wide best practices.
By partnering together with like-minded utilities, WPPI members have built a cost-effective array of the kinds of forward-thinking programs, shared expertise, and modern technologies that align well with APPA’s the Smart Energy Providers criteria.
APPA is highlighting Smart Energy Provider utilities during the week of Feb. 14 to celebrate the ways in which public power utilities support their communities’ responsible energy use, helping customers save money and reduce their collective footprint on the environment. The current round of the association’s Smart Energy Provider application process closes in April. For more information, visit publicpower.org/smart-energy-provider.