Customer Communications

Member utility staff who are logged in have full access to resources.

Marketing Toolkit

The marketing toolkit contains materials to help promote your utility’s brand and customer programs. Advertisements, bill inserts, and other promotional materials are available within the toolkit for you to download and use right now.

Social Media

WPPI members promote the benefits of locally owned utilities and keep customers informed on a variety of different social media platforms. A dynamic and responsive social media presence can enhance customer interaction and satisfaction....

Value of the Local Utility Program

Member utilities build a positive utility image, establish and maintain relations and earn customer trust and loyalty through the Value of Local Utility Program. Positive relations between the locally owned utility and the community serves is essential in customer satisfaction. When customers view the utility in a positive perspective and understand the value it brings...

Cooperative Advertising

Connect with customers through advertising via the Cooperative Advertising Program. Monthly ads, branded for the local utility, are placed by WPPI staff on behalf of members. Members select the advertisements and have the option to customize as needed.

News Releases

Writing and editing assistance is available to help utilities share their messaging with the community.

Peak Time Usage Communications

Member utilities have a unique opportunity to present themselves as partners in helping customers manage energy consumption and costs. The Peak Time Usage Communications program is offered throughout the summer months (June-September) when warmer temperatures lead to higher utility bills and increase energy usage.

When system energy demand is predicted to be high, member utilities send email messages to residential customers encouraging them to monitor their usage and make small, recommended changes to help reduce it. Peak-hour reductions are encouraged on Energy Aware Days.

Customer Publications

Members can connect directly with customers through a variety of communication collateral including newsletters, energy usage reports, email marketing and more. This type of engagement builds relationships with customers and positions utilities as reliable, trusted energy partners.  Members can customize existing materials or request creation of new materials unique to their utility.


Market Research

Public power utilities pride themselves on local, responsive and reliable customer service. Members can participate in market research surveys to gauge overall customer satisfaction, measure awareness and familiarity, attitudes toward the utility, and much more. Findings help shape future customer engagement initiatives.

WPPI members...

Website Development

Members can pick a template and populate their website with utility-related content through the Website Development Service. WPPI Energy staff initiates a domain name transfer or purchase, conducts training, and assists with content.


Members can pick a template and populate their website with utility-related content through the Website Development Service. WPPI Energy staff initiates a domain name transfer or purchase, conducts training, and assists with content.

A utility website is an efficient and cost-effective communication tool members can use to do business with their current customers, attract and retain new customers, build customer loyalty, promote services and programs, enhance their professional image, demonstrate technical competence, provide personalized energy use information to customers and more.

Your audience is larger than you might think. It consists of customers, employees, future employees, news media, the financial community, the business community, vendors and more. Members should develop a site to:

  • Make it easier for customers to do business with you.
  • Attract and retain customers.
  • Build customer loyalty.
  • Promote services, programs and products.
  • Enhance your professional image.
  • Demonstrate technical competence.
  • Provide targeted, personalized energy use information to customers.
  • Communicate with customers in an efficient and cost-effective way.
  • Offer online bill presentation and payment services.