Schools & Education

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Schools & Governments Efficiency Incentive Program

Because of their high visibility in the community, schools and government buildings are excellent applications for leading by example in the efficient use of energy. Through the Schools & Governments Program, financial assistance is available to overcome the initial costs associated with implementing energy saving measures, and make efficiency improvements a cost-effective investment for WPPI member communities.

K-12 Energy Education Program

WPPI Energy members partner with the Wisconsin K-12 Energy Education Program (KEEP), through the Wisconsin Center for Environmental Education, providing a variety of professional development workshops to enhance the integration of energy education into existing curricula. Through teaching units, workshops, and scholarships, KEEP strives to provide a strong network of information to support ongoing education efforts in member communities.

National Theatre for Children

The National Theatre for Children, the largest in-school touring educational theatre company, is a popular and successful tool in educating students on important energy issues across WPPI Energy member communities. The live performances focus on energy management, safety and renewable energy and additional resources are provided to teachers to transfer the topics into lesson planning.