January 04, 2024
Members of WPPI gain insight into upcoming NorthStar improvements
Technology Suite
WPPI Energy was well represented at the 2023 Harris Computer Training Conference (HCTC) held in Orlando, Fla., on Dec. 4-8, 2023.
At the heart of this year’s conference was the pending release of CSR 7, a pivotal milestone within the NorthStar 7 role-based user experience design. With intuitive navigation and a focus on optimizing workflows, CSR 7 aims to empower customer service representatives to deliver seamless and efficient support.
An impressive contingent of 12 members and WPPI staff spent the week learning more about the NorthStar billing software with sessions focused on emerging technologies and new tips to increase productivity and enhance customer service. Attendees were provided ample time to hear from industry experts at the vendor showcase and connected with current partners including InfoSend, Paymentus, Invoice Cloud (PSN), and Online Utility Exchange. The event offered an excellent opportunity to network with NorthStar staff and partners.
In the coming weeks, Waupun Utilities will participate in a pilot project to utilize the CSR 7 solution and provide feedback to the membership. Please continue to watch the Tech Suite User Center web page for more information!
The 2024 HCTC will be held in Atlanta, Ga., on Oct. 8-10.