April 07, 2021
Local Utilities Urge Customers to Seek Payment Assistance as Moratorium Ends
Customer Satisfaction
Wisconsin’s moratorium expires April 15, 2021, but help is available to avoid disconnection.
Local utilities across Wisconsin urge electric customers who are behind on their bills to make payment arrangements with the utility and avoid service disconnection. After a yearlong extension in response to the pandemic, Wisconsin’s moratorium on residential service disconnection ends April 15, 2021. After that date, utilities statewide may begin to disconnect service to customers who are past due on payment of their electric bills.
“The past year was a hard one for many, and utilities are thankful they were able to keep the lights on for everyone. That being said, they have a responsibility to do what they can to collect unpaid bills in order to keep rates low for all customers,” said Anna Stieve, energy services manager for WPPI Energy. “We’re trying to spread the word that there are resources available for customers, and we encourage anyone struggling with their electric bills to contact assistance programs like the Wisconsin Home Energy Assistance Program.”
Wisconsin Home Energy Assistance Program
The Wisconsin Home Energy Assistance Program (WHEAP) provides bill pay assistance to help income-eligible residents with heating costs, electric costs, and energy crises. Residents at risk of disconnection may be eligible for crisis assistance even if they have already received a benefit from WHEAP. For more information, including eligibility criteria, customers can call 1-866-432-8947 or visit homeenergyplus.wi.gov to connect with their local energy assistance agency.
Wisconsin Emergency Rental Assistance
Wisconsin renters may also be eligible for both utility bill and rental assistance through the new Wisconsin Emergency Rental Assistance (WERA) program. For more information on this statewide program, or to apply, visit wiscap.org/wera, email support@wera.help, or call 1-833-900-9372.
Additionally, residents experiencing hardship should also inquire with their local utility. Many utilities have partnered with local support services in their community to provide additional support. The utility may also have payment plans that can help alleviate the stress that comes from large bills.
“The utilities that make up WPPI Energy are focused on helping the residents and businesses in their communities,” said Stieve. “It’s something a lot of people are dealing with right now, and help is available.